Dental FAQs

FAQs About Our Dental Services in Palm Desert, CA

Regular dental visits are vital for your oral health. These appointments help to identify potential issues before they become severe. Whether you’re seeing Dr. Fatemeh Hadjian DDS for a routine check-up or a specific concern, understanding what to expect can make your visit more comfortable. Below, please find frequently asked questions about our comprehensive dental services in the Palm Desert, CA area. We welcome new patient inquiries, so feel free to contact us with additional questions!

How Often Should I Visit the Dentist for Check-Ups & Cleanings?

We recommend visiting Dr. Fatemeh Hadjian once every six months to maintain optimal oral health. However, we may suggest a different schedule based on your needs and oral health concerns. During a routine check-up, we’ll examine your gums, teeth, and mouth for signs of disease or other issues. We may offer personalized advice on the best oral hygiene practices and discuss any necessary treatments or follow-up appointments. We’ll remove any built-up plaque and tartar from your teeth with a professional dental cleaning. Preventive dentistry can help you avoid severe dental issues.

What Are the Signs of Gum Disease, and How Can You Prevent It?

Periodontal disease (gum disease) is caused by plaque and tartar build-up on the teeth, which leads to gum inflammation and infection. To prevent gum disease, brush and floss your teeth daily and visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. It’s also beneficial to maintain a healthy diet, avoid smoking or tobacco use, and manage any underlying health conditions, such as diabetes. Gum disease can present several signs and symptoms, including:

  • Red, swollen, or tender gums
  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
  • Persistent bad breath or bad mouth taste
  • Receding gums
  • Loose or shifting teeth
  • Deep pocket formation between the teeth and gums
  • Changes in your bite (the way your teeth fit together)

If you notice any gum disease symptoms, see your dentist promptly for evaluation and treatment.

Are Dental X-Rays Safe? How Often Do You Need X-Rays?

Dental X-rays help our dentist see issues invisible to the naked eye, including cavities, bone loss, and impacted teeth. Essential for diagnosing and treating dental problems early, modern dental X-rays are safe. They involve very low levels of radiation exposure, thanks to advances in digital X-ray technology. Our dentist also takes extra precautions, such as using lead aprons, to minimize potential risks. For most patients, routine X-rays are recommended every 1-2 years. However, we may advise more frequent X-rays if you have a high risk of dental problems.

What’s the Best Way to Brush & Floss Effectively for Optimum Oral Health?

Proper brushing and flossing are essential for adult and children’s dental health. We recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. For the most effective brushing, spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth, ideally twice a day. Be sure to cover every tooth’s outer, inner, and chewing surfaces. Remember to brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Daily flossing also keeps your mouth healthy. Break off about 18 inches of floss and hold it tightly between your thumbs and forefingers, gently guiding it between your teeth. Curving the floss into a “C” shape can help you get between teeth and under the gumline. We recommend using a clean section of floss for each tooth.

What Are Common Symptoms of Tooth Decay? Can You Prevent Cavities?

Common symptoms of tooth decay include toothaches, sensitivity to heat or cold, visible pits or holes in your teeth, staining on teeth surfaces, persistent bad breath, and discomfort or pain when biting or chewing. To prevent tooth decay and cavities, you must brush and floss daily, avoid or reduce your sugary foods and drinks intake, and visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. You may also consider dental sealants or fluoride treatments to help prevent cavities.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe? What Teeth Whitening Options Are Available?

Teeth whitening is generally considered safe under the supervision of a dentist. However, following the instructions provided is essential to avoid side effects like gum irritation or tooth sensitivity. Teeth whitening can be achieved through in-office treatments, at-home kits, and over-the-counter products. Consult your dentist before beginning teeth whitening treatment.

What Causes Bad Breath? How Can It Be Treated Effectively?

Bad breath (halitosis) can be caused by poor oral hygiene, use of tobacco products, certain foods and drinks with lingering odors, medical conditions like GERD or diabetes, and several dental issues, such as gum disease and cavities. Maintaining good oral hygiene through daily brushing and flossing can reduce the bacteria in your mouth. Staying hydrated and avoiding tobacco products is also in your best interest. If bad breath persists despite these efforts, consult your dentist or healthcare provider to identify and treat any underlying dental or medical conditions that could be the cause.

Can Dental Problems Like Cavities or Gum Disease Lead to Other Health Issues?

If left untreated, cavities and gum disease can lead to various health issues. Cavities can progress into more painful abscesses and infections that could spread to your jawbone and other body parts. Gum disease can cause inflammation and bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Studies have linked gum disease to an increased risk of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, respiratory issues, and even complications during pregnancy. Maintaining good oral hygiene can help you maintain good overall and oral health.

What Should I Do If a Tooth Gets Knocked Out or Chipped?

In the case of a dental emergency, such as a knocked-out tooth, broken tooth, or severe toothache, contact your dentist immediately. Dr. Hadjian is available for 24/7 emergency calls to assist patients.

If your tooth has been knocked out, handle it carefully, not touching the root. If possible, reinsert the tooth back into its socket. Store it in a container with saliva, milk, or a saline solution to keep it moist. For the best chance of saving the tooth, see your dentist within the hour.

If your tooth is chipped, rinse gently with warm water and stop any bleeding. Preserve tooth fragments in a container with milk or saliva to keep them moist. Schedule a dental appointment as soon as possible. Chipped or cracked teeth can be repaired through dental bonding, veneers, or dental crowns.

How Can I Address Dental Anxiety/Fear of Visiting the Dentist for Treatment?

Sharing your fears can help your dentist understand your concerns to tailor an approach to make you more comfortable. Scheduling a consultation before treatment can help build trust and create a sense of familiarity to help reduce anxiety or fear during future visits. For severe dental anxiety, sedation dentistry options, such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas), can help you relax during treatments.

What Does Medicaid Cover for Dental for Adults?

Medicaid dental insurance for adults varies by state but may include routine exams, preventive care, tooth extractions, restorative services like fillings, and emergency dental services. Check with your state’s Medicaid office for the most up-to-date information regarding adult dental coverage. Dental assistance programs or financing options may also be available at your dentist’s office.

Contact Us With Additional New Patient Concerns

Are you a new patient in Dr. Fatemeh Hadjian’s Palm Desert office? Your oral health is our dedicated team’s top concern. Contact us with additional questions or concerns or to schedule an appointment. Our office is open Monday through Thursday and Friday by appointment only.