Teeth WhiteningFAQs

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Answering Teeth Whitening FAQs for Palm Desert, CA

We usually associate a bright, white smile with good health, youthfulness, and vitality. Teeth whitening is a popular treatment for those looking to enhance their appearance and confidence. Teeth can become discolored due to aging, staining foods and beverages, smoking, and certain medications over time. Teeth whitening offers the solution to a more radiant smile for many patients of Dr. Fatemeh Hadjian DDS. Below, please find frequently asked questions about our teeth whitening services in Palm Desert, CA. When you’re ready to transform your smile, call us for a complimentary consultation!

Is Teeth Whitening Safe for My Enamel & Overall Oral Health?

When done correctly, teeth whitening is safe for your tooth enamel. The bleaching agents used in whitening treatments are designed to break down stains on the surface of your teeth without compromising the integrity of your enamel. However, overuse or incorrect application can lead to enamel erosion and increase the risk of tooth sensitivity. Follow your dentist’s instructions and avoid excessive whitening treatments to ensure the safety of your enamel. Consult Dr. Fatemeh Hadjian DDS today to determine the best teeth whitening option for you.

How Long Does a Typical Teeth Whitening Treatment Last?

Teeth whitening results can vary depending on the method, your lifestyle, and oral hygiene habits. On average, professional in-office whitening can last anywhere from six months to two years. The best at-home teeth whitening treatments may offer results from three months up to a year. To prolong the effects, you must maintain good oral hygiene and avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth. Many people undergo touch-up treatments every 6-12 months to maintain their desired brightness.

What Teeth Whitening Methods Are Available? How Do They Compare?

If you’re wondering how to get whiter teeth, you have several methods to choose from, including:

  • In-Office Whitening – In-office whitening treatments from your dentist offer the most lasting, immediate results. This method involves applying a high-concentration bleaching gel to the teeth, which a special light or laser may activate. Treatment typically takes about an hour, and patients can expect to see their teeth several shades lighter in as little as one session.
  • At-Home Whitening Kits – At-home whitening kits provided by a dentist come with custom-made trays that fit your teeth perfectly for professional-grade results. The bleaching gel has a lower concentration than in-office treatments, but at-home whitening kits are convenient for many patients. Trays must be worn for a specified period for desired results.
  • Over-the-Counter Products – You can find several over-the-counter whitening products at your nearest store or online, ranging from whitening toothpaste to strips, gels, and rinses. These products use lower concentrations of bleaching agents and may take longer to achieve visible results. You must follow the product instructions carefully to avoid tooth sensitivity.

Do Teeth Whitening Treatments Have Side Effects? Can They Be Minimized?

The most common side effects of teeth whitening are tooth sensitivity and gum irritation. These side effects are temporary and subside within a few days after the treatment. Using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth and following your dentist’s recommendations can help minimize these side effects.

How Do Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products Compare?

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products can be effective, but they generally offer different levels of results than professional treatments. While they may be less expensive, it may take longer to achieve visible whitening, and the results may be less dramatic. Application may be difficult, leading to inconsistent whitening from tooth to tooth. For patients with mild staining or who prefer a gradual whitening process, over-the-counter products may be more accessible and affordable.

What Factors Can Cause Teeth to Become Discolored or Stained?

From lifestyle choices to underlying health issues, many factors can cause discolored or stained teeth:

  • Tobacco Use – Tobacco products are notorious for yellowing teeth. The tar and nicotine in cigarettes and other tobacco can stain the enamel and cause discoloration.
  • Foods & Drinks – Highly pigmented foods and drinks can lead to staining over time. These pigments often adhere to tooth enamel, resulting in a darker appearance.
  • Medications – Some medications, like tetracycline antibiotics, can cause tooth discoloration. Antihistamines and some high blood pressure medications can contribute to teeth staining.
  • Aging – Your tooth enamel naturally wears away as you age, exposing the yellowish dentin beneath. This can make your teeth appear darker and less vibrant.
  • Genetics – Genetics play a role in your teeth’s natural color. Some people may have thicker or more translucent enamel, which affects how their teeth reflect light and their appearance.
  • Trauma – A tooth injured or has experienced trauma can develop a gray or dark color due to internal bleeding or changes in the pulp.

How Can You Prevent Further Staining Post-Whitening Treatment?

To prevent further staining post-whitening treatment, limit your consumption of foods and drinks known to stain your teeth. This includes red wines, tea, dark-colored berries, and coffee. When drinking beverages that can stain your teeth, use a straw to minimize their contact with your teeth. Visiting your dentist for regular cleanings and exams can also help you maintain teeth whitening results.

Is Teeth Sensitivity Common After Teeth Whitening? Can It Be Reduced?

Teeth sensitivity is a common side effect of teeth whitening. Sensitivity occurs because the bleaching agents used in the process can temporarily make the teeth more porous, exposing their dentin layer and leading to heightened sensitivity to hot, cold, and sweet stimuli. Using toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help minimize this side effect. You may also allow more time between whitening sessions to give your teeth more time to recover and avoid hot and cold foods and beverages right after whitening.

Should I Avoid Specific Foods or Habits to Maintain Whitening Results?

Foods and drinks high in pigmentation, such as wine, coffee, tea, berries, and tomato-based sauces, can stain your teeth, so limiting your consumption of these items is best. Consider using a straw to minimize the contact of these drinks with your teeth. We also suggest quitting smoking, limiting sugary food and drink intake, and practicing good oral hygiene to help you maintain a brighter smile.

Can Pregnant or Nursing Women Undergo Teeth Whitening Safely?

Generally, dental professionals advise against undergoing teeth whitening treatments during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Although there isn’t any conclusive evidence that whitening agents can cause harm to a developing fetus or breastfed infant, the potential risks should not be underestimated. It’s usually best to err on the side of caution.

How Much Do Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments Cost?

Teeth whitening costs can vary based on the method used, but in-office whitening treatments are usually more expensive than at-home kits from your dentist or over-the-counter products. If you’re a new patient, discuss treatment costs with our team during your initial consultation.

Do You Offer Financing Options for Teeth Whitening Treatments?

Financing options may be available for teeth whitening and other cosmetic treatments. Third-party financing companies like Sunbit offer medical credit cards that can be used to cover various dental procedures. Discuss these financing possibilities at your dentist’s office before seeking treatment.

Schedule a Teeth Whitening Appointment in Palm Desert, CA

Do you still have questions about how to whiten teeth? Contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Fatemeh Hadjian DDS. Our teeth whitening services in Palm Desert, CA can help you achieve and maintain the radiant smile you’ve always dreamed of in as little as one session!

A parent or guardian must accompany all patients under the age of 18. If you have any questions about what to expect on your first visit, don´t hesitate to contact us today at (760) 568-6900.

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Your Appointment Today

We invite you to experience the difference at Dr. Fatemeh Hadjian’s dental practice.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment or if you have any inquiries.

Your journey to a healthier and more beautiful smile begins here. We look forward to helping you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.


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Fatemeh Hadjian, D.D.S. P.A


74000 Country Club Dr., Ste B1
Palm Desert, CA 92260

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(760) 568-6900


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